
about me

just a wretch who lavishly loves my Savior. 
for it is His relentless pursuit of me that drew me into a fairy tale romance with the King of Kings.

like a school girl with a crush, i am the blessed bride to my best friend {and high school crush!}.
we fumble our way through this mystery of marriage with our eyes set on the One who stands in the center of us.
together, we are raising a ridiculously handsome teenage boy
{who happens to be a great athlete} 
a sassy, bubbly, precocious, little princess 
{who is convinced she rules the roost} 
and a chunky lil' dude
{who has captured all our hearts}

i adore all things chocolate and consider myself a coffee snob.  
a clemson tiger at heart, i sport the color orange with pride.  
salt air and sand between my toes refreshes my soul.
and i happen to think sun-kissed skin is a fashion statement. 
front porch rocking stills my soul and the smell of tea olive trees always brings me home.
the whisp of Bible pages turning  quickens my heart.
and His Word is music to my ears.
my heart has an unquenchable thirst for Living water.
the sight of people falling madly, deeply in love with the One who is love never ceases to bring tears to my eyes.
writing is my way of making sense of life.
the bumpy roads and stormy seas are all part of the journey.
not a moment is wasted when used to shape and mold you more into the image of our Creator.

allow me to introduce to the crew at my place.

yours truly.
transparent writing keeps me off my high horse.
besides, i'm too much of a mess to fool anyone.

the groom.  
next to Jesus, he is the leading man in my life.
check out that smile!  wowzers!

the athlete.  
he gets his looks from his dad.
we have a broom ready to keep the girls at bay.

the princess.
she does, in fact, rule the roost.
and she has her daddy wrapped. completely

the chunk.
he is everything we ever dreamed and so much more.

grab a comfy seat and a steaming cup of coffee.
pretend we are curled up on a couch chatting the day away.
my heart is delighted you chose to drop by.
come on back anytime.  
i promise to leave the Light on for you.