Monday, December 3, 2012

{gifts of the season} choosing to unwrap the treasures this holiday...

I have a dear, dear friend who showered me with a little encouragement over the weekend.  She commented on a recent blog post and said she couldn't wait to see what my theme would be for this month.  The month of December.

This comment, the encouragement sat with me for a while.  It stirred something in my soul.

I have spent the past two months pounding out a post.  Each and every single day.  Not by commitment, but by choice.  However, I feel the need to step back from that routine for a moment and truly soak in all the joy of this holiday season. 

I am choosing to purposefully and slowly unwrap all the gifts of the season.  My heart is positioned to treasure each and every hidden miracle during this time.  And more than anything, I desperately want to share those discoveries with each of you.  You, who choose to stop by my house for some encouragement.  For some hope.  For some Truth.

You can go ahead and bet that it will not be something every day.  But I will promise you that what I discover will be something that touches my heart in a way only Heaven can.  I hope these treasures touch your hearts in ways never before. 

This season, this holiday has secrets tucked away for each of us.  A celebration to rejoice. Moments to dwell upon.  Gifts to lavish over us.  Miracles to see. 

I find my heart tender to the Christmas story in a way new and fresh to me.  A way like never before. 

My eyes spill over with tears afresh over words from a carol.  My lips taste the Word of my Savior's birth like sweet honey to my hungry soul.  My ears are tuned to hear the name Jesus over the ringing of the cash register or the rustle of wrapping paper.  My nose is sniffing around for opportunities to share the message of the Gospel.  And my hands are prepared to spread the Good News. 

I sense Him in everything. 

I feel Him everywhere.

The Spirit of the Season. 

On pins and needles with joy and excitement over what Jesus has in store for us this Christmas. 

You all are invited to my house tomorrow.  Where I will share the pleasure of unwrapping the first gift of the season.  I pray it blesses you in the same way it has abundantly blessed me.  Join me, won't you?  Come as you are and stay a while.  My heart would be so happy.

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