Sunday, December 29, 2013

give grace...our family motto for 2014

as the new year is set before us, we want desperately for His light to shine through our family. to cast out darkness and call people away from the shadows. we choose to do that through our weaknesses. because that is where He is stronger. in 2014, our family motto will be 'give grace.' because the only thing that fills the gap between our brokenness and His perfection is grace.

we want to...
pour out grace over everyone we meet. and ourselves. we will fail you this coming year. you will fail us. we will speak harsh words. so will you. we will make a million mistakes before January ends. and you will you.

therefore, we give grace.

may you be kinder to yourself this coming year. and to others. may you offer grace when it is isn't warranted. after all, Jesus gave us grace. undeserved. unearned. unmerited.

may we do the same for others this year.

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