Wednesday, May 14, 2014

6 favorite moments from the past year...

because of technology we are able to capture almost every single moment with the click of our phones. 
i have caught a whole lot of grief because i photograph my girl almost every single day.
i make no apologies.  

for one day, i want her to look back and see all those moments that i have stored up in my heart.

since i am spending this entire week reflecting on these last days of having a two year old {again, i sigh deeply}, i thought it would be fun to share six of my favorite moments with my favorite girl...

{note:  when you photograph your baby everyday, it is hard to choose just a few of your favorite moments!}

take a gander, won't you?

her first snow.  she sure looked cute.
but she takes after her mama.
she enjoyed it for about 2.2 minutes.
and then it was time for hot chocolate and snow cream.
she's a gal after my own heart!

her first date.  my heart exploded when he rang the door bell with a corsage in hand.
then he spun her around and declared her beautiful.  my heart split wide open.
 right there on the new rug.   he wants to show her how she should be treated on a date.
and i fall in love with him all over again.

her love of words and stories makes this mama heart swell.
as one who has always had a love affair with the written word,
i pray she always loves to devour stories and words.

ah, dance class.  i swoon.
on thursdays this year, this tiny dancer wiggled and giggled and made new friends.
i wasn't sure i could handle how adorable tiny legs and leotards would be.
my absolute favorite was parent watch night.  i die.

she went from being afraid of the ocean to fearless in one year.
and she is convinced she can do everything the big kids do.
i given up trying to tell her otherwise.
turns out, sometimes she's right.

watching this girl with her two favorite guys threatens to make my heart explode.  
she is convinced the sun rises and sets on these two.
and they treat her like she is the center of their universe.

each moment with her is my favorite.  there are moments that are tough and days i wonder if i will survive, but each moment is stored up as treasure in my heart.  a treasure i want to secure safe all the days of my life.

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