Friday, November 2, 2012

{day three} handpicked

There's only one person who I dare to give my whole heart to. One person who holds it so tightly that I'm afraid it might split right open.

He's broken my heart and put it back together again. He has loved me. Not my hairstyle or my fashion sense {or lack thereof} or my body size. But me. Every bit of just me.

I have no doubt that he was handpicked just for me. He was chosen to be my husband long before I even dreamed of getting married.

I am grateful to walk beside this man through life. Our life. Together.

I am grateful to raise our kids together. To pray together. To laugh together. To cry together. To grow together.

Each year, each moment. It only gets better.

'My lover is mine, and I am his.'
Song of Solomon 2:16

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