Saturday, May 31, 2014

that time my heart danced on stage...

it was thirty years ago.  maybe longer.
the costume was a shade of gold.  with a full face mane that itched like crazy. 
the curtain pulled back to reveal the crowd that filled the poynor auditorium.

i remember feeling out of place in dance class.
graceful and delicate have never been words i would use to describe me.

there on stage, for all to witness, i wet my pants.  
and then i slipped right there on stage in my own puddle of shame.

suddenly i liked dancing a lot less.

a few decades later another curtain pulled back.
and i spied the prettiest tiny dancer.

her eyes sparkled the color of her costume.
she smiled big and sang bigger.
her confidence gripped my heart.
and i knew.

a prayer had been answered.  

a shrinking violet she is not.
strangers she does not meet.
and she finds peace with being alone.
or with being the center of attention.

she is growing bold to the girl He created her to be. 
which is exactly what i have prayed for since the moment i knew life grew within me.

today, in an auditorium flooded with proud parents and friends and family, a stage full of talented children danced with their hearts.

during the seventh performance, somewhere on the fourth row, a mama's heart skipped a beat.
her breath caught in her throat and tears filled her eyes.
for her tiny dancer stole the show.
and proved, once again, that she was a bright shining star.

the brightest, by far!

little miss sunshine award winner for
always wearing her smile and showing her manners!

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